Our Projects

Childhood Olympics
The campaign is being jointly organised by the Ave Stella Maris College at Ramamangalam and Sports and Management Research Institute (SMRI) in Kochi. “In the early 1970s, Ping- Pong diplomacy helped improve the relations between China and the US. Inspired by events like these, we have come up with the Childhood Olympics — the innocent games of childhood like tic-tac-toe, pick up sticks and connecting the dots. From this year, we will organise these games from Gandhi Jayanti on October 2 to Martyrs’ Day on January 30. “We want to spread Gandhi’s message of peace. We hope that the games will help provide the innocence of childhood to the adult generation and bridge the divisions based on gender, caste, religion etc. The students will help organise, referee and judge the games,” says Paul V Mathew, principal of Ave Stella Maris College.

Salt Walk
It’s a walkathon to commemorate Dandi March of Mahatma Gandhi, started on April 10 2021. In association with SMRI Kochi and the Ramamangalam Gramapanchayath, Stella Maris college organises monthly walks through the hinterlands of the villages. Salt walk gives an opportunity to watch reinvigorating village experience and physical rejuvenation. It's an opportunity to meet new people and expand networks.

Sports Academy
Sports Academy at Ramamangalam is run by the Higher Secondary School and coaches of Ave Stella Maris College. Mr.Sijin B T renowned sports consultant, T Y Yohannan Certified Football Coach, and Biju Chakrapani sports enthusiast are leading training in various sports items. Apart from this we offer a large number of sports certification and training in association with Sports Management and Research Institute (SMRI) kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, mountaineering etc.

Being a land blessed with agriculture corps and field fertility, farmers are engaged in various agriculture and allied activities. Farmathon is a celebration of farmers and farming communities to recognize and rejoice diverse agriculture practices. The event includes multiple farmers' competitions, food festivals, agri games, and exhibitions.

Off Road Rides
The event is filled with adrenaline. It makes viewers' fingers cross and tense moments while jeeps criss-cross and go off. The off ride show is organised in association with ATC and other renowned event planners. Thousands of viewers are rallied to watch the mega event hosted by Ave Stella Maris College in association with off road riders.

Labour Games
To educate the new generation on the value of labour and to honour labour, Ave Stella Maris College, Kizhumuri and Ramamangalam Grama Panchayat organises KERALA LABOUR GAMES in association with the Sports & Management Research Institute (SMRI) . LABOUR GAMES is a combination of three different physical activities- Wheelbarrow Racing, Water Carry Race and Sack Carry Race. The competition is open to registered labourers and the general public. The organisers conduct WORLD LABOUR GAMES in Ramamangalam with participation from all over the world to promote Ramamangalam Sports Tourism Village and to create more recreational opportunities for the labourers in developing and underdeveloped countries. After the Industrial Revolution, due to the ‘Eight Hour Day’ (Eight hours labour, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest) campaign of Robert Owen, workers got more hours for recreation and they used these hours for playing football and starting today’s many top football clubs. But in countries like India, even if labourers get more hours for recreation, they don’t have many opportunities for productive recreation. The Labour Games also aim to help labourers across the globe to use their recreation time effectively.

Puzhayoram Park
The Kizhumuri Puzhayoram is one of the longest natural river roads in Ramamangalam. The National Service Scheme of Ave Stella Maris College is involved in planting trees, developing gardens, and doing farming activities in the nearby bed. The area is proposed to develop as a park in the panchayat. Visitors can relax during the evenings and can swim in the river. The area is usually convenient for fishing and swimming where people from far away places enjoy such activities daily especially during summers. Swimming is very risky except for severe summers.
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